If for some reason this is difficult to find or the VIN is not readable then you can also find the Ford VIN number on your registration card or vehicle title. Your Ford VIN can be located in multiple places on your car or truck. Find the VIN on your Ford’s registration card.Embossed on the metal tag on the driver’s side dash board.If that is not available then it can be found in multiple places that are permanently stamped on the vehicle How to Find Your Ford VIN Number The easiest way to find the VIN on a Ford is to reference the registration card or the Ford vehicle title, if you have that in your possession. A Ford VIN lookup will reveal the manufacturer, production year, engine and drive train, make and model, and much more. This VIN number is set by the manufacturer which describes all the vital information about that vehicle. What You Can Learn From a Ford VIN LookupĮvery vehicle manufactured by the Ford Motor Company has a unique vehicle identification number.